Monday, July 9, 2018

Capilano Suspension Bridge/Treetop Adventure/Cliff Walk

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Today, we went to Capilano and did three activities. The Capilano Suspension Bridge, the Treetop Adventure, and the Cliffwalk.  We had never done any of these before, so we were all scared. The suspension bridge shook will we were walking, so we had to hold tightly onto the ropes. 

But we never wanted to give up, because we all thought we would not be able to do this in Hong King or maybe not again in our lives. Therefore, although we were full of fear, we held onto the ropes and took our first steps as it was a good challenge for us. We need to learn to let go of our unreasonable fears, because even though it felt like we might fall into the valley, the truth is the bridge was very safe. The activity though made us very excited. I loved doing this activity and getting over my fear.

It's totem!

Treetop Adventure

Also, we experienced the Treetop Adventure. This was very interesting, because I had no idea that people can build walking paths between treetops before. I would not have ever imagined this had I not experience this activity. When we were walking on it, it made us feel a bit like primitive jungle people who used to live in the wild.

Cliff Walk

After doing the treetop adventure, we walked back across the suspension bridge to the Cliffwalk. The Cliffwalk was a lot more stable than the suspension bridge, so it didn’t seem as scary and it was neat to be able to look down into the fall and watch the river. The place was very scenic.

When we at Capilano, we also got to see the totems and learn about First Nations history. This was quite interesting, because I like history, and I had liked the First Nations exhibits at the BC Museum. I found this area of Capilano quite peaceful and eye-catching, because the totems are very large. I even had my picture taken inside a totem. Totems tell the story of a First Nations clan. I don’t know how to read a totem to understand what it says, but I do know how to appreciate.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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