Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cleaning and Packing

Cleaning and Packing

Today was our last day stay in Victoria, because we are going to go to Vancouver tomorrow to start another journey in a new city! I am looking forward to having fun in Vancouver with my friends.

So, we have to do some preparations, like pack our stuff and clean the house. It’s never an easy job to clean and pack. We spent almost a whole morning, dealing with just doing these two things… and even, then the house wasn’t so clean. Canadians clean more than Hong Kongers, so they are faster and much better at doing it.

It’s a big night for us. We are having a farewell to Victoria party. We have invited our new friend Zorro, and Mimi has invited a bunch of her friends and Eric has invited his family! So, it was a very busy afternoon for us and a late night as well. Mimi’s friend Michele came with her little grandchildren, her daughter-in-law, and son. It was so fun to play with the little ones. They came early because they had to leave early. Then other friends started to come by, then Eric’s youngest son Danny stopped by with his girlfriend, Dani. They brought guitars with them. Later that night, when we played and sang music together, we got to hear Danny play. WOW!!! He is very good. His songs have even been produced and played on the air! 

Shortly after, Zorro came on his bamboo bicycle! We were all so excited to see him. We had been chatting with him but hadn’t seen him since we met him and his friends at the park.

Although our plan was to do lots of water sports, everyone was having so much fun chatting, eating, and playing music that we really didn’t get out that much on the boats. Plus, since it was a farewell party, we really didn’t want to get wet. But we did get out a bit and had some last-minute fun on the water. Zorro loved being on the water. Did I mention before that we call Zorro, Takky’s husband, because when she was all dressed up as a Japanese girl, she had her picture taken with Zorro, who has dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. They looked great together, so we pretended that they got married.

That night, we also did FaceTime with our school back in Hong Kong that evening! Then, we continued to party and have fun with family and friends. Most of us were in bed by midnight, but we were so excited it was hard to fall asleep.

Overall, we all had a perfect night!

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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