Sunday, July 8, 2018

Coppermine Educational Tour

Coppermine Educational Tour

The weather was gorgeous today. It’s perfect to have some outdoor activities! Today, we went to Squamish to tour an old Coppermine, and then, onto Whistler to experience the mountains and SNOW!!! Yes!! Real SNOW!!! But before I get carried away…let me tell you about my Coppermine experience.

We joined an educational tour about Coppermine and the mining of copper. This was a wonderful experience and a great opportunity to learn about chemistry, geology, technology, and history. But before our tour started, we were able to pan for gold, gems, and copper in ponds of water. Linda, Takky, Emily and I all found some of all three. The gems I managed to find are so colorful and I am blessed to have found them and have them as a souvenir – my own little piece of REAL CANADA!

we had the opportunity of taking a train into the actual mine, which meant going right inside the mountain.  

We learned so much about how the mining was done and the life of the miners. WOW! Their lives were very hard indeed. Many men died in the mountain, mining for copper. We also learned how they kept the light in the tunnels, so that they could see what they were doing. For example, in the very early days, they only had candles before more advanced technologies gave them things like headlamps to see by.  Can you imagine how difficult it would be to work with the use of a single candle inside a mountain tunnel.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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