Sunday, July 1, 2018

Canada Day

Canada Day

Canada Day is on the same day as Hong Kong Day – July 1st. We were in Tofino for Canada Day. We found out about it when real police officers came to our campsite and told us about the festivities and invited us to join in. Really! Can you believe this, the police taking the time to invite out-of-town campers to a community celebration! Amazing!

After being invited by the police, we really wanted to experience this Canadian festival. So, after we finished our campfire dinner – we roasted sausages, chicken wings, and marshmallows, we headed into town to celebrate with local Canadians.

I was surprised at how happy and full of fun Canadians are when
they celebrate. There was a band stand, and everyone was dancing, singing, or playing outdoor games with their friends and families. I got to walk on stilts for the first time in my life. It looked easy until it was my turn to try, and then I found out that it is much more difficult than I thought, but it was still fun!

Finally, around 10:30 the sun had set, and it was getting dark enough for the fireworks. We were so surprised by the Canadians. Because when the fireworks started on the waterfront, everyone was at the bandstand. 

Immediately, the band stopped playing and everyone ran, literally, across roads and people’s property to get to the fireworks! They were just like crazy people following the noise and lights – of course, we did the same thing, because you know the same, ‘when in Rome…’

Although the fireworks were much smaller than Hong Kong’s, they were very beautiful, because the backdrop was stunning. When the fireworks went off, they lit up the bay and the islands all around – such beauty!

After the fireworks, we went back to our campsite, some of us went to bed, but some went down to McKenzie beach to look at the stars – unfortunately, from the stories I heard the next day…’sniff, sniff’, I went to sleep!

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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