Sunday, July 8, 2018



We took cable cars to Whistler. Whistler is beautiful while it is covered by snow. First, when we arrived the top of Whistler, we had our lunch beside the snow mountain. So that we could have lunch outdoor and were surrounded by the white snow. I felt awesome!

This is my first time to touch the snow, I believed this experience will never be forget in my mind. The snow is soft and cold, so we could barely step on it. We help each other took many photos and videos up there to record our happy faces.

I have to say, we just like 8 crazy kids who like having snowball fight! We threw snowballs to each other! Steven was the craziest! He even wanted to throw the snow to Mimi’s camera! Don’t you think he was A SILLY LAD? LOL!!! Btw we all enjoyed the view and the time we spent together.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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