Monday, July 9, 2018

Grizzly Bears

Grizzly Bears

What a beautiful morning! We woke up early and felt excited. Guess what!? Because we were going to have breakfast with two grizzly bears. Usually, most adult female grizzlies weigh 130–180 kg, around 290–400 lb, while adult males weigh on average 180–360 kg, around 400–790 lb. After taking a huge cable car, we arrived at the top of Grouse Mountain, where the bears live.

The view was spectacular and the air quality was pristine; however, we were quite dissatisfied with the flies. Up to this time, we had hardly seen a mosquito or a fly, but up here….WOW!!! The flies were crazy. They landed everywhere and anywhere. I was afraid to open mouth in case one flew in my mouth.  You really can’t imagine how many there were. I just want to scream! Actually, they didn’t bite me, but they liked flying towards my face! So, although seeing the grizzlies was really neat, I found it hard to listen to our guide and learn very much about them, because, as you can imagine,I spent my whole time, chasing flies away from my face.

This made me very frustrated before having our breakfast buffet; however, the buffet was delicious and had a wide variety of food – even salmon, but it was smoked salmon, but I think fresh salmon is the BEST! Regardless, I loved the breakfast, because not only was the food delicious, 
but it was inside, away from those miserable flies!!!

I still loved having this experience, and the guide said that it was unusual to have the flies, so maybe a whole bunch of young flies just happened to hatch on our morning on the mountain, but the grizzly bears are huge and hairy, and the weather was perfect.

The end of my Canada Trip!!!!!!!
 1 day to go back HK!!!
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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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