Monday, July 9, 2018

Malls Shopping

 Malls Shopping

This morning we were to go cycling around Stanley Park, but the day started with rain, so instead, we went to the Pacific Mall to do some shopping. We enjoyed the mall and being in downtown Vancouver.  Afterward, we decided to go to the Vancouver Aquarium rather than cycling, because although it wasn’t raining, it still looked like it might.

Another day, we also had time to shop! What an exciting day! Today we went to Hillside Mall and Uptown Mall. They are both big shopping centers that provide various products, such as clothing, snacks, cosmetics and brand name clothes. It was great to see the difference between shopping in Hong Kong and shopping in Canada. One big difference is that you can try on clothes and not buy them and no one cares.

Hey! Here is Takky and I TRY ON clothes in Holister!

Also, we at the mall eatery. I had some Chinese food at the food court. The food reminded me of Hong Kong. LOL...However, it didn’t taste as good.
But, I bought two pair of earrings and some cosmetics for my mom and me.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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