Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Noodle Box Restaurant

Noodle Box Restaurant

We then, went uptown to have a quick snack before doing a bit more shopping in the tourist shops. Mimi bought us an original Beaver Tail. No, it wasn’t a real beaver’s tail. It was a piece of dough, rolled out so it sort of looked like a beaver tail, and then it was cooked, brushed with melted butter, and sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon – very delicious!!!

We went to the Noodle Box Restaurant for dinner. We finally had Chinese stir-fried noodles!!!! I think we all miss Chinese food now, so it was good to order some traditional cruise. My noodle box was a little too sweet for me, and Linda’s was not quite right for here, so we traded our boxes and we were both happy! One thing that we did notice was that everyone in the restaurant was visiting, and no one, and I mean no one, but us, had their cell phones out. So, Mimi made us put ours away too and just spend our time visiting. Ironically, I really enjoyed this. I think we should eat more without our cells phones and talk more to each other, because it is certainly more enjoyable and better for our relationships.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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