Friday, July 6, 2018

Travel to Vancouver

Travel to Vancouver

BYE BYE 5055 Cordova Bay!

Well, we had left 5055 Cordova Bay today and go to Vancouver. We didn’t have any food left for breakfast, but Mimi had got up very very early and made a big ferry breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausages, bread, and tons of fruit – from watermelon, pineapple, melons, blueberries, and cherries, so although breakfast was a bit late, it was delicious, and it was fun to have a ferry picnic. And in Canada, a late breakfast is called brunch – a mix of breakfast and lunch put together. But, before we got to the ferry, we had to put our heavy suitcases in Eric’s truck. Mimi helped us and thank goodness because picking them up was very difficult.

Let me read my new English book!

See you Victoria!

Once we got into Vancouver, we were surprised, because Vancouver is quite different than Victoria. In Victoria, there are people from all around the world, but in Vancouver we could see a lot of Asians, and there did not seem to be as many people from around the world. 

It also looked a lot more Asian, for example, in Victoria, they only Chinese language was in old Chinatown, but in Vancouver many modern buildings and even some street names were written in Chinese. Also, the architecture felt more Asian. There were more tall buildings, whereas, Victoria, didn’t have any tall buildings. They also had much larger shopping plazas, but many of the brands were the same as we can find in Hong Kong. Victoria felt more Canadian to us. Canadian, in that people, were friendlier, more talkative, more relaxed, more helpful.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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