Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Flying to HK

Flying to HK

Time flies!!! Today is our last morning in Canada. I can’t even believe that I have spent 19 days in Canada! Time has gone so fast – too fast! Today, we go back to Hong Kong. We have a 14-hour flight soon! See you in Hong Kong! Bye!

Hey! Let me tell you a secret!  We wrote two cards to Mimi and Eric as a surprise! We gave them to them in the Vancouver Airport.  They read them and they both cried! It warmed our hearts that what we had to say was so special to them. They were amazing hosts. They didn’t do things for us, they taught us how to do things by ourselves. They were patient, kind, and giving. They were fun, friendly, and they spent all day, every day, interacting with us, not as students, but as family and friends. 

At the same time, they always corrected our English and gave us opportunity after opportunity to use English. In fact, we had ‘The JAR’ and if we spoke anything but English, we had to put 1 dollar Canadian in ‘The JAR’. They also really cared about building up our character, so if we lied, or helped someone lie, even by staying silent when we knew something, we had to put $10.00 in ‘The JAR’. Now, you would think there would have been a lot of money in ‘The JAR’ but there wasn’t much money at all!

I wish I could have spent more time in Canada, so that I could learn English in a native country and explore more. I look forward to going to Canada in the future. Without a doubt, I would invite everyone to go to Canada and have the same experience as mine! My journey changed the way I see the world. It opened me up. 

Canadians are so friendly, helpful and polite. They are also very clean and very concerned about the environment. They recycle, and in some cities, like Victoria, they have banned the use of plastic bags. The air is clean, fresh, and believe it or not, even though the temperature is cooler, it is a nice cooler. When it is cooler, it doesn’t feel as cold as Hong Kong.  For example, when it is 13 degrees in Hong Kong, it feels quite cold, but most mornings the temperature was around 13 degrees, but it didn’t feel as cold. Mimi says this is because Hong Kong has way more humidity, which makes us feel colder and hotter in Hong Kong.  And she is right, because some days the temperature was almost 30 degrees and it didn’t feel too hot either. I liked the weather.

I hope you have enjoyed my blog. The pictures, the videos, and everything I’ve written so you could share my journey with you.

Also, I hope you learned something on my blogs during my Canada trip. If you have any questions, please feel free and don’t be shy. You can comment below or direct me on Instagram! Once again thanks for your support! Wish you have a good summer!

Please remember to keep following my Instagram:ahmycchow. Also, please like and comment on all my posts and pages becau
se we are having a bit of a post-trip competition to see how many people we can get to comment and like the pages on our blog.  We don’t know the prize yet, but knowing Mimi, the prizes will be interesting. 


It is our 19th day!
The end of my Canada Trip!!!!!!!


Going back to HK!!!

Please keep following my blog!
You can also follow my status on Instagram!
Instagram: ahmycchow

💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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