Sunday, July 1, 2018

Hot Springs Tour

Hot Springs Tour

Today was a good day because by yesterday afternoon, the weather had changed and the sun had come out and the day was stunning. And today, we had a bath in nature. To get to this natural spa, we had to take a long boat ride.

We arrived at the entrance of a forest and then we hiked for around 40 minutes to get to the hot springs. While we were hiking, three beautiful wild dogs joined us; they were friendly and used to tourists, and it seemed like one of them could really understand human language. It kept following Steven, and when Steven spoke to it, he seemed to listen and do as Steven asked. Don’t you think this is interesting?

The hot springs were wonderful! But, they were not as big as I expected. There were only two ponds and there were about 15 people there, so it was very crowded. We had to sit on rocks to enjoy the heat of the water. However, there were a number of small waterfalls to shower in as well. I believe that the water has healthy nutrients which can help our bodies.

Even though we were felt tired from having a very cold sleep in a tent, the hot springs were refreshing, and my tiredness and exhaustion were all gone after sitting in the hot springs. I took many photos of the hot springs, they are beautiful and dreamlike! Therefore, I highly recommend natural hot springs when you go to Canada. I believe you will love them!

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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