Friday, June 29, 2018

Redlen Technologies Tour

Redlen Technologies Tour

Redlen is the company which Eric works for. We were happy to have the opportunity of visiting his place of work. We got to meet Eric’s team. There is even one Hong Konger, Kam, but we were not allowed to speak Cantonese with him. His English was very good! 

We had to explain to him that in Canada, the only language we can speak is English, otherwise, we must pay $1.00 Canadian. Because Eric did the tour, we were allowed to go into special areas that visitors are not allowed in, but we were not allowed to take pictures beyond a certain point. This is because the sensors which are developed and made at Redlen technologies are top-secret as they are security and medical sensors.

Although, the technology is very high level, so very difficult to understand, it was still very interesting and educational to the process of how sensors are made.

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💛See you! Love Ya!💛

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