Saturday, June 23, 2018



Today I woke up at 5:30am. I knew it was too early. However, after brushing my teeth and having a half of an apple as my breakfast, I went to the beach in front of our house. The view was amazing!

Don’t you think Cordova Bay is gorgeous?

Later, we went to Costco to buy food and daily supplies. In Canada, most people own their own cars and use them to go shopping – especially when they go shopping in a REALLY BIG supermarket. Costco is a really huge shop which sells many different types of products, from food to furniture. This seems to be pretty common in Canada. We were at Costco so early that we had to wait for it to open at 10am, and by lunchtime, we had two HUGE carts of food that cost about 1200.00 (Canadian dollars)!How crazy is that!

🚗SO let me show you the road!🚙


This video shows you a little corner of Costco!

There is a lot of food, isn't there?

Poutine is a dish which is made with French fries and cheese curds topped with a brown gravy!
After buying groceries and supplies, we ordered some food to share with each other at the Costco eatery. We ordered 2 huge pizzas, 3 hotdogs, 30 chicken wings and poutine – a French-Canadian way of eating fries. This is my first time to eat Poutine. It was delicious! Poutine is French fries topped with melted cheese curds topped and brown gravy! I wonder if I will have other chances to eat Poutine in Canada. I also ordered a Cappuccino for myself!

Afterward, we went back home to make our dinner. Because we bought way too much pizza at Costco, dinner was easy to make, because we only had to make a Greek Salad and a fresh fruit dessert. Everything tasted so good. I can't wait to show you our dishes!

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Instagram: ahmycchow

💛See you!Love ya!💛

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