Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo

Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo

After going to Chinatown, we headed up to Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo. What I haven’t mentioned is that some of us had to take taxi’s when we traveled around Victoria and I was in charge of paying for and getting a receipt from the taxi cab driver, so I always had to be inside the taxi.






It was so much fun at Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, because we got to see lots of different kinds of domesticated animals, and yes, we not only got to pet them, we also got to play with some of them, like the goats. The goats were so cute, because there were some very playful little babies. They liked to jump and play around. In fact, if you sat still, sometimes, they would come and jump right on top you – even try to stand on your back, shoulders, or head. I loved this activity, because for the first time in my life, I felt very close to animals.

One of them even standing on my back!

When we left the petting zoo, we climbed on a big old arbutus tree with some other kids. They were much smaller than us, so we helped them climb as well. This was a lot of fun.

Then we headed off to walk around Beacon Hill Park, and it was here that we met up with three Japanese students. They were so friendly and lovely to us. They dressed us up in their traditional clothes and shared their Japanese snacks with us, so we invited them to our Farewell Party. 

It was unfortunate that the two girls were headed to Toronto, because I really liked them, and they were so chatty, but it is exciting that Zorro can make it!! I hope he comes!! It is so great to speak English to others, even when they come from non-English speaking countries, because even though our English is not perfect, we can still communicate with each other. All of this interaction is really boosting my English-speaking confidence! I’m very proud of myself, because I am speaking English all the time. I rarely even think in Chinese anymore! ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ

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๐Ÿ’›See you! Love Ya!๐Ÿ’›

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