Thursday, June 28, 2018

Goldstream Park

Goldstream Park

Today is very sunny and suitable for us to take a hike. Therefore, we went to Goldstream Park and hiked Gold Steam Trail with Trestle Bridge. There was beautiful with a long waterfall.

The bridges just terrified me! Actually, I can barely walk on the Trestle bridge because of acrophobia. Luckily, Mimi held my hands and helped me went through.

After a “horrible” walk, we had our lunch on the end of the bridge. I had my handmade sandwich which used egg, mayonnaise, lettuce, salami, cheese and tomato as ingredients.

Honestly, in this hike I was really enjoyed.Especially I saw many maple trees in the forest and also I collected some of them!

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💛See you! Love ya!💛

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