Saturday, June 23, 2018

Mt Doug Mountain

Mt Doug Mountain

After we got home from Costco and put away our groceries, we headed out for a hike to help digest all the food we had eaten. First, we went to Mt Tolmie lookout. Here we did not hike, we just took in the view. we went for a hike to digest our food! The view was beautiful and the air is so fresh here. Then, we headed to Mt Doug to do our hike. It was an amazing hike. It wasn’t anything like a Hong Kong hike. There were no manmade walkways, just dirt trails, and rocks to climb. It was really hard work, and it really helped digest my food. 

We took lots of pictures along the way and at the top. At the top, there were magnificent views all around. We could see the USA, snow-capped mountains, and the entire Cordova Bay. Even though our feet and hands got dirty hiking up Mt. Doug we really enjoyed this hike.

Even though our feet and hands are dirty, we still enjoy our little hike.

Isn’t the view magnificent?

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💛See you!Love ya!💛

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